BCRUEL Banner Hacer el mal nunca fue tan positivo

The board game
that lets you be bad
but with purpose.

BCRUEL Cartas Header

The world is in crisis,
and it is time to lay our cards on the table.

B Cruel 4 the Planet is not just another board game, it is much more.
With each card you have the chance to be cruel in a fun way, but with a very clear purpose: to fight against the climate and social crisis. Create your best combination of Greenwashing, Pinkwashing…
And as many washings as possible in each round.
Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins.

Shall we play?

BCRUEL Sticker Flecha
BCRUEL Sticker Yeah
BCRUEL Sticker Sorry
BCRUEL Como jugar

There are two types of cards in this game:

– Situation Cards: These contain longer sentences with a space to add a response.
– Response Cards: These contain a variety of short answers that will fill in the gaps left by the situation cards.

Players should use their response cards to fill in the situations that are read out.



BCRUEL Sticker Caracteristicas 1
Each player draws 5 response cards
BCRUEL Sticker Caracteristicas 2
The Changemaker reads a situation card.
BCRUEL Sticker Caracteristicas 3
Each player chooses the funniest response card.
BCRUEL Sticker Caracteristicas 4
The Changemaker reads aloud the selected response cards.
BCRUEL Sticker Caracteristicas 5
The funniest combination wins 1 point
BCRUEL Sticker Caracteristicas 6
The person who has scored the most points at the end of the game wins.
BCRUEL Decoracion Estrellas
BCRUEL Crea la combinacion mas divertida
BCRUEL Cartas situacion y respuesta
BCRUEL Cartas situacion
BCRUEL Cartas respuesta
BCRUEL Sticker Changemaker


BCRUEL Producto Mockup
BCRUEL Sticker 200 cartas
* Launch offer
BCRUEL Decoracion Tres estrellas
BCRUEL Decoracion Espiral
BCRUEL Decoracion Linea Estrellas
BCRUEL Decoracion Tres estrellas

B Cruel 4 the Planet

Don't loose the opportunity

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